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Our blog provides you with information about vacuum sealing as an effective method of food preservation without compromising quality and taste.
Food Expiration Chart: The Shelf Life of Your Vacuum Sealed Food

Food Expiration Chart: The Shelf Life of Your Vacuum Sealed Food

Do you want to store vacuum sealed food for longer but have no idea how long it'll last? Then our food expiration chart is what you need!

2022-08-22 08:09:00
How Vacuum Sealer Bags Can Help you Save Time and Money

How Vacuum Sealer Bags Can Help you Save Time and Money

Do you really need to use specialty vacuum sealer bags with your vacuum sealer?

Can you use zip-lock bags or other plastic bags when you're sealing your food?

Is plastic toxic to use for food storage?

These are some of the most common inquiries we receive.

So today, we will be answering these questions and sharing some great ideas on how you could use vacuum sealer bags to help you save time, money, and energy.

Let's get started!

2022-06-19 07:32:00 Vacuum sealer bags, OutOfAir
The Best Vacuum Sealer to Keep your Food Fresh Longer

The Best Vacuum Sealer to Keep your Food Fresh Longer

Do you ever feel like you're wasting food?

Do grocery runs feel like such a hassle in your very busy schedule?

If you do, then I just might have the thing for you.

Introducing vacuum sealers!

You might be surprised by how much you can cut down on your grocery bill and keep your food fresher for longer periods of time just by vacuum-sealing your food.

It's also very convenient and easy to do!

So how do you get started?

Keep reading to find out.

2022-05-07 20:08:00 vacuum sealing, vacuum sealer, vacuum seal storage bags, vacuum sealing bags, vacuum sealing bags for food, Vacuum seal bags and rolls
Is Vacuum Sealing Worth It? A Complete Guide

Is Vacuum Sealing Worth It? A Complete Guide

Today, we will cover everything you need to know about vacuum sealing.

We'll also give you tips and tricks on how to vacuum seal for long-term storage, and give you an idea of what types of food are best to be vacuum-sealed!

So whether you're a hunter looking to preserve your catch or a homesteader wanting to stock up on food for the winter, read on to find out about the many wonders of vacuum sealing.

2022-04-21 06:10:00 vacuum sealing, vacuum seal, vacuum seal storage bags, vacuum sealing bags, vacuum sealing bags for food, Vacuum seal bags and rolls