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How Vacuum Sealer Bags Can Help you Save Time and Money

How Vacuum Sealer Bags Can Help you Save Time and Money

Do you really need to use specialty vacuum sealer bags with your vacuum sealer?

Can you use zip-lock bags or other plastic bags when you're sealing your food?

Isn't plastic toxic to use for food storage?

These are some of the most common inquiries we receive.

So today, we will be answering these questions and sharing some great ideas on how you could use vacuum sealer bags to help you save time, money, and energy.

Let's get started!

How do vacuum sealer bags work?

Vacuum sealing sliced fruits

Vacuum sealing is the process of removing air from inside the vacuum sealer bags and containers to create an airtight seal around the food or item you want to protect. The lack of oxygen inside the container prevents the growth of bacteria, mold, and yeast.

Vacuum sealing prevents oxidation and keeps the food fresher for up to five times longer than regular food storage containers.

So why should you use special vacuum sealer bags instead of your regular plastic bags and containers?

Well, there are many contributing factors.

One factor has to do with the item's oxygen transmission rate (OTR). Simply put, the oxygen transmission rate or OTR is the measurement of oxygen gas that passes through a substance in a given time.

So why does this matter?

It’s because oxidation still happens even if we think that we packed the food well in regular container bags.

The air around us comprises of 21% oxygen, 79% nitrogen, and a small concentration of other gases. As long as our food is exposed to air, it will have a chemical and biological reaction.

This reaction causes oils in the food to go rancid and affect its flavor in the long run. That's why food still spoils inside food containers, even inside the fridge.

This is where vacuum sealer bags come into play.

OutOfAir Vacuum sealer bag fitted inside a vacuum sealer

Vacuum sealer bags and rolls generally have a thicker oxygen barrier-providing layer. Also known as barrier bags, vacuum bags are used to protect food and other items from oxidation.

It stops the movement of gases, water vapor, scent, and light inside the vacuum bag more effectively than your average plastic bag.

Most vacuum sealer bags are made of nylon and polyethylene. Nylon is the key material that blocks the air and moisture molecules from getting to the food. Without nylon as a major component, air and moisture would seep into the food and speed up the oxidation process.

This is why you shouldn't use just any plastic or zip lock when vacuum-sealing your food.

Read more about barrier bags and OTR below.

How vacuum sealer bags save you time and money

Vacuum sealer bags and rolls may seem like an expense at first. But in the long run, it actually saves you time, energy, and resources.

An expense turned investment!

Here are some ways vacuum sealing can help you be more economical, especially when managing your home.

Taking advantage of sale season and buying in bulk

Fresh produce and ingredients

Vacuum sealer bags help you take advantage of the sale season, especially when stocking up on pantry essentials.

Buying in bulk helps you stretch your budget and gives you more bang for your buck.

The problem, however, is that most of these items go bad even before using them - turning them into wasted food.

Packing these items in vacuum seal storage bags extends their shelf-life for the longer term!

You can now buy in bulk without worrying about food going to waste.

You also be able to ration your food and use only the quantity you need.

Here are some of the items you can get and pre-pack in vacuum seal storage bags and rolls:

* Coffee * Butter * Meat * Pet food * Laundry items * Rice * Grains * Pasta * Nuts * Beans * Flour * Sugar

Check out other items you can buy in bulk from

Batch cooking

cooking tools and fresh ingredients abstract imageSome people underestimate the benefit of batch cooking and meal preparation.

For others, it's a tedious process that takes away their time of rest.

But as someone who has been batch cooking and meal prepping for years, I can't recommend it enough.

As a family man, batch cooking saves me the stress of decision-making daily. Just ask anyone who cooks to feed their family every day.

And have I even mentioned the hassle of prepping and cleaning up?

Even if you have a dishwasher available, it's still exhausting to clean the kitchen after an equally tiring day.

Planning your meals ahead coupled with batch cooking helps solve these problems.

It helps you save on groceries because you don't give in to impulse buying. Since you already have a planned menu, it's much easier and faster to pick and choose the ingredients you need.

You only have to dedicate one day of the week to prep and cook the meals.

Once you're done with the preparation and cooking, all you have to do now is cool down the pre-made food and divide them into the right-sized storage bags.

It's convenient and cost-effective and, best of all, you're assured your family is eating healthily and well!

Extending the shelf life of pantry items

holding a jar filled with macaroniYou'd think dried goods like pasta and rice would last forever, but unfortunately, they don't.

Paste, rice, and flour are prone to getting weevils and mites, especially if they're not sealed well.

Other pantry and kitchen staples like herbs and spices lose their flavor and potency after some time too. Some may say adding laurel leaves to flour, rice, and pasta can lessen the chances of spoilage and mites, but that hack can only do as much.

So how do you fix this?

The easy fix - store them in vacuum sealer bags and rolls.

You can also add oxygen absorbers to protect dry food from insect damage and preserve its quality for longer.

Eliminates freezer burn

freezer burn

Don't you hate it when meat gets funky, even when you've stored it in the freezer?

Freezer burn is more common than you think.

While it's not harmful to our health, freezer burns reduce the meat's quality, taste, and texture. The discoloration of the meat also makes it less appetizing.

Vacuum packing meats in vacuum sealer bags can reduce the possibility of freezer burns.

The meats retain their moisture and ice crystals are prevented from forming. With proper storage, meats can even last for years in the freezer.

Can you reuse vacuum seal bags?

The quick answer is yes, especially if you're using vacuum sealer rolls. But reuse bags with caution.

You can use bags that previously contained fruits, vegetables, slices of bread, and other dried goods. All you have to do is either hand wash them or put them in the dishwasher to be safe. Then make sure it's dry before using them again.

Do not reuse vacuum sealer bags and rolls that have been used on raw meat, fish, eggs, or cheese.

These food items may carry contaminants and anaerobic bacteria that can remain in the bags even after washing.

It's also not safe to reuse bags that contained oily and greasy food. Because the grease can be hard to clean, it might affect the quality of the food you want to seal next.

So how do you reuse vacuum sealer bags and rolls?

You simply need to cut the old seal line and wipe the new one clean. Ensure no grease, oil, or food has affected the new seal line. There should also be enough space at the top of the bag to still get a strong seal. Learn more vacuum sealing tips here.

Why Choose OutOfAir Vacuum Sealer Bags and Rolls

OuyOfAir vacuum sealer bags and rolls

Not all vacuum sealer bags are created equal.

The key is to choose one that is thick enough to keep the air out and malleable enough to fit the item's shape and size.

So why should you choose OutOfAir Vacuum Sealer Bags and Rolls? Here are the reasons.


OutOfAir bags are 100% compatible with all heat-seal vacuum sealer machines. These include all countertop models made by FoodSaver®, Weston®, Vacmaster®, Cabelas®, Nesco®, Rival®, Seal-a-Meal®, Ziploc®, Kitchen-Boss®, and many more.

freezer burn

As long as you have any one mentioned above, you don't have to worry about buying a new one.

Check out our recommendations for the best vacuum sealer for beginners here.

Thickness and malleability

We've designed our vacuum sealer bags and rolls to be thick enough to protect your food yet malleable enough to ensure that all the air gets sucked out.

OutOfAir vacuum sealer bags are made of 7 layers of nylon and polyethylene. They are 4 mil thick on the gloss side and 10 mil thick on the embossed side.

This makes the bag sturdy and helps it to stay sealed even if the outer nylon layer is superficially damaged.

We also use a tried and true embossing pattern on one side of the bags. This creates a channel for the air to easily pull out of the bag in just seconds.

Smart features

We want you to have a seamless experience using our vacuum sealer bags and rolls so we designed each product with extra features to make your life easier!

For example, our bags come with notches cut near the top to make them easier to open.

All rolls also have markings on the side to help you measure and fill them at the same levels.

You can write on our bags without smudges to keep track of the dates and contents with ease.

You can find out more about our vacuum sealer bags and rolls features here.

Safe for food use

OutOfAir BPA-Free bags safe for food use

The true test for the best vacuum sealer bags is their performance in extreme temperatures.

All of OutOfAir vacuum sealer bags and rolls were tested by two well-known, accredited testing companies ( Intertek and SGS). Our bags have passed all testing standards set by the FDA and European Union.

During the tests, the bags were filled with a neutral food replicant and were boiled for four continuous hours at boiling temperature (212°F/100°C). The contents were then analyzed and tested for BPA and other chemicals, as well as inspected by five panelists who rated the food replicant as being clear, colorless, and having zero odors.

All chemical test results were well within the FDA's food-safe standards!

So whether you're going to use it for sous vide, microwave, freezing, or boiling, you're assured your food is safe and secure with OutOfAir bags.

Please note that all vacuum sealer bags should never be used in a pressure cooker. Pressure cookers are able to reach temperatures far exceeding the boiling point which can cause the bags to melt.

Best value for the best price

OutOfAir Customer Feedback

Wanna know the best part of it all?

You get great value for an affordable price.

OutOfAir Vacuum Sealer Bags and Rolls come in different sizes you can choose from.

We have mini vacuum sealer bags that are perfect for packing snacks and small items.

We also have 1-pint,1-quart, and 1-gallon bags that are great for pre-packed meals.

Check out our vacuum sealer bags here.

Do you need zipper bags for beef jerky or other snacks? We've got you covered.

We have 25-foot rolls made to fit inside machines with built-in storage.

We also have 100-foot rolls that let you measure and cut multiple bags all at once.

Want to save more by buying in bulk?

Check out our bulk bags and rolls here. These bags are great for business use! They do not have any of our printing on the bags, so you have the freedom to add your own labels.

Final thoughts

Vacuum sealer bags can help you save time and money in many ways.

They help you maximize your food's shelf life so that you don't have to worry about it going bad before you have a chance to use it. They also help minimize food waste, which is great for the environment and your wallet.

We want to hear how vacuum-sealer bags have helped you save time and money too!

Share your tips and tricks in the comments below.

from on June 19, 2022
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